Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Can YOU or any one help us with NIV, KJV, NASV or any other good version hardback Bibles, and or, used or new clothing for our converts in the villages? Please, help and pray for us to be able to raise the needed funds for the equipments, trucks, taxis, and or, the vans we hire, Bibles in our local languages we purchase, etc for all our soul winning and church planting programs in the villages. $3.50 can buy one hard back easy to read NIV Bible here. We thank you and God bless you. Our mailing address is: Ike and Lee Pertey The Truth P.O. Box 16583, Accra-North. Ghana. West Africa


THESE 3 WOMEN BAPTIZED After listening to the teachings on God's plan of salvation at church as visitors, they confessed their sins and faith to be baptized so the brethren begged of me to do that for them since I have not been doing it. Fortunately for us, the photographer was also available so he went with us into a stream where we had to dig into somewhere near a bridge in the stream to get enough water to baptize these 3 women because there was no enough water anywhere. They were baptized, 3 of them; as you can see in the pictures below. One of the sisters has had a problem with the husband saying that if she will worship in the Lord's church then she should pack her things and leave. The issue has been tackled but the man is saying what he is saying and the sister is also saying she will continue to worship then to opt that for marriage. Please, pray for her.